Wednesday 6 April 2011


Using the inventory you can
  • Browse your held items
  • Use inventory items
  • Mix items
  • Enchant Items
  • Sell items
After clicking inventory from the main menu you are presented with the following screenshot.

Prev 10
Move 10 pages backwards
Next 10
Move 10 pages forwards
Move 1 page backwards
Move 1 page forwards
Sort the inventory (sorting is based on item ID)
Go back to the main menu

Clicking on an item will bring up some details on it.

Here you can see the options to sell or mix the item.

When selling you have the option to sell a single item or the whole stack.

If you had clicking the mixing button you would have been given the following screen.

The top right shows the item you are mixing. You are able to browse the items as before to select the second item of the mix. Once you select the second item you have the option to choose a rock or make the mix.

If you have never made the mix before you cannot see the resulting item, it will simply show as Unknown. If you click the rock button you are taken to the item list again to select a rock to use. Rocks have different effects in mixing. Some mixes require a rock.

Red Rock
Enable the mixing of some items
Yellow Rock
Gives a 10% change the ingredients aren’t consumed by the mix.
Green Rock
Gives a 20% change the ingredients aren’t consumed by the mix.
Blue Rock
Increases the min items possible by 1 (cannot exceed the max possible).
Purple Rock
Increase the max items possible by 2.
Rare Red Gem
Enable the mixing of some items
Rare Yellow Gem
Enable the mixing of some items
Rare Green Gem
Enable the mixing of some items
Rare Blue Gem
Enable the mixing of some items
Rare Purple Gem
Enable the mixing of some items
Golden plate
Enable the mixing of some items

If you do know what will be made you are given the following screen.

Once you click make there are 3 possible consequences
  • You fail the mix because they aren't capable of mixing (items are not lost)
  • You fail the mix because you don't have room for the resulting item in your inventory
  • You succeed and create the item
On a successful mix you are shown the following screen.

Using an Inventory item:
Some items can be used from the inventory. If they can they will present an additional button on their description box. For example.

Different items have different effects. If the recipe is used the following message is displayed.

(NOTE: you don't have to write this down it will be placed in the 'Recipe List' which when unlocked is in the 'Extra' menu).

You can make current items even stronger by enchanting them with attributes. You can enchant if the item meets the criteria:
  • It's an equipment piece
  • Its got 2 or less attributes
  • It's not currently equipped
To enchant an item select the item ad you should see an enchant button:

Once you select the enchant button you are able to browse the item list. Now you have to select an enchant. (An example enchant is 'Note Of Vitality').

Once you have selected the enchant you can see the effect it will have. Once you click enchant the enchant item is used and the item becomes enchanted.

Enchanted items cannot stack with normal items even if they are the same item. For example the above Simple Gun cannot stack with a normal Simple Gun.

If you want the enchant back to use on another item you can disenchant the item. This will fail if you don't have room for either the normal version of the item or the enchant item.

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